Sunday, July 13, 2014


Travel or no travel, BYU cannot remain an Independent for long if they want to continue to be   competitive in the new landscape of College Football. I still believe they will find a home in the AAC, even if that home affords BYU special status. Stay tuned.


  1. I tend to agree with you. If they have some pretty good season and are locked out of the access bowl, their hand may be forced. I think a Notre Dame type of agreement with a G5 conference is a plausible solution. I would only add that while I agree with your premise, wouldn't a special scheduling deal with the MWC be a more attractive alternative? I don't think there is any question that such a special deal could happen ONLY with the AAC or the MWC. As much as I hate to admit it, those two conferences are upper tier in the G5 with the other three fighting for middle of the pack. But I do think that the MWC, despite previous issue, is the more logical choice for the Cougars.

  2. Charles, always good to hear from you. I think the MWC is the most logical place for BYU to land. The problem however, is that there seems to be very little logic in College Football right now. THere also seems to be some bad blood between BYU and The MWC right now. Both sides have been posturing lately especially with recent, not so flattering comments made by MWC Commish Craig Thompson about BYU.

    One thing that I will give AAC Commish Mike Aresco for is his salesmanship and willingness to hustle where hustling is needed. Aresco has been active on BYU radio and TV in the last 3 months. I also think ESPN will have a say in this as BYU and the AAC belong essentially to that network. If for nothing else the AAC gives BYU the coveted east coast market for its branding needs.

    I think that whatever BYU does, it will occur faster than some people might think. If BYU comes to the conclusion that a P5 Conference is not in their future, I could see them moving very quickly to pick a G5 Conference.

  3. If given a truth serum, I'd be willing to bet a bunch of those players wouldn't mind regular trips to the likes of San Diego, Las Vegas and Hawai'i and the Bay Area.
